Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Channing Tatum's Peter Pan Origins Movie Gets the Green Light


"Tatum’s Next Bomb? You know things are getting pretty desperate when you’re pitching an origin story for Peter Pan. Last week it was reported that Channing Tatum, fresh off his big-screen bomb The Eagle, had teamed with writer Billy Ray (no not Miley’s dad) and producer Joe Roth (he produced last year’s Oscar-winning Alice in Wonderland along with Knight and Day) to star in Hollywood’s latest reboot. Sony has acquired the project, titled Pan, which envisions Pan and Captain Hook as brothers. After you recover from your collective eye-rolling, head shaking and apathetic groaning, tell us who should play Hook and if you’re even remotely interested in this movie. --Derrick Deane"

1 comment:

The Never Fairy said...

What's wrong with this is Peter Pan already HAS a backstory!
It's called "Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens" and it's written by his creator, Sir J.M. Barrie. How can they have such disrespect???

Their concept is not new either. Barrie himself thought of Pan's brother... and it's not Hook. His notes have been made into a book: Click!

And another great take on Pan is this one: Click!